This shooting drill is presented by Shaka Smart.
There is sound with the video, so please make sure that your sound is on.
The video is hosted on You Tube, so you will need to be on a network that allows you to access that site.
The videos are from the Championship Productions You Tube Channel..
The drill requires the player to shoot from 5 spots on the floor–2 corners, 2 wings, and top of the key.
The player stays at the same spot until she misses 2 in a row.
You could add a time factor to the drill by saying that the player has a specific amount of time to complete the drill.
The competitive aspect is to see how many shots the player can make after shooting from all 5 spots. The most Coach Smart has seen is 219.
You can have players compete against themselves, or against teammates, or against standards that you assign by players position or age.
If you are interested in learning more about the Championship Productions Basketball Coaching Video (available in both DVD and Instant Video Format) that this drill came from, you can click the following link: Competitive Drills for Shooting, Ball Handling, and Finishing