These basketball shooting drills are from the Xavier Men’s Basketball Newsletter.
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32s Shooting Drill
From: Xavier Assistant Coach James Whitford
32s is a shooting dnll incorporating 15 shots finished up with 2 FT’s at the end.
We will shoot from 5 beginning spots.
3 shots will be attempted from each spot.
1st shot-drive to the basket to finish I point
2nd shot is a 15 ft. spot up jumper 2 points
3rd shot is from beyond arc 3 points
This is repeated at all five spots for a maximum total of 30 points. Shooter finishes the drill with a I and 1 FT oppotunity. each worth 1 point. Giving you a total of 32.
This can be varied for TIME/MAKES and by adding defense.
Can be done easily as a team drill with each shooter attempting the series of shots before moving to the next spot.
You can then total a team score as well as individual.
Our players like to do this on game days to reach a TEAM GOAL. Then they prefer to compete head-to- head in practice situations.
The current champion gets to keep until dethroned,
I have never seen a 32 in my coaching career.
One 31… shooter missed the second end of me 1 and 1!!!
Move Shooting Drill
“MOVE” is another basic drill with a number of variations to allow it to be a single player drill or a team drill.
Using our 5 Spots (left corner, left wing ,top, righ wing, right corner)
Shooter begins in left corner and stays until they score a total of 6 points:
15 footer = 2 points
19’9″ + = 3 points
Lay-up = 1 point
A Lay-up can only be attempted when the shooter needs 1 point to achieve their desired score.
First shooter makes a 2 point, next shooter misses, next shooter makes a 3, team has a total of 5 SO next shooter is allowed to drive it for a lay-up to achieve the score of 6.
At the next spot the first shooter makes a 3, the next shooter makes a 3… we MOVE
Player completes six points at each spot
Now we go 8 points. Then 10 points. Then 12 points. Etc
This drill can be done for a certain amount of time. For example, put 5:00 on clock and see how many spots a shooter can complete. It can also be done just as a simple goal based drill.
When shooting in groups, this drill is great to teach time/score situations as in “knowing”what you need to achieve the MOVE.
It creates a very competitive drill when going on both ends with each team equally divided. We shoot in classes, by position, allow them to pick teams, etc.