In this post Bradley University Head Coach Brian Wardlen shares his 28 in 2 Transition Drill.
This drill serves the purpose of getting the players passing and catching on the run as well as communicating.
Coach Wardle uses practice video that shows clearly how to run the drill but here is a basic explanation.
There are three lines of players stationed one at halfcourt (outlet line) and one under each basket (rebounding lines).
Two cones are placed a few feet from the sideline on the side opposite the outlet line.
The drill begins with the player under one basket passing to the player at halfcourt. The player at halfcourt that receives the outlet pass then passes to another player stationed on the opposite halfcourt who has cut to the basket for a lay-up. (this player is only stationed here to start the drill)
The player that passed the ball for the lay-up sprints across the court and around the cones and will become the next shooter.
The player under the basket rebounds the ball and passes to the person at halfcourt who then passes to the player running around the cones for a lay-up at the other end.
The shooter simply gets in the rebounding line at the basket that they shot at.
The drill continues in this fashion.
The goal is to make 28 lay-ups in 2 minutes.
It will be difficult to reach this standard in the ball is dribbled, dropped or any lay-ups are missed.
This clip was taken from a complete course by Coach Wardle. For more information about that course click the following link: 5 Great Practice Drills To Have In Your Pocket