These 2 man to man set plays below are from the Golden State Warriors Playbook that was compiled by Wes Kosel
If these sets do not fit your players, I hope you can at least get an idea from them that you might be able to incorporate into what you currently do.
Diagrams created with FastDraw
Warriors Top Drag
5 sets a ball-screen for 1.
At the same, 4 sets a screen for 3 who runs across the lane to the right wing.
As 1 dribbles left, 2 loops around 4 into the lane.
4 pops out for a shot.
5 dives to the rim.
Warriors Top Stagger Overload
2 loops around a screen from 5 looking for a quick 3-point shot.
If the shot isn’t there, 2 sprints over to set a ball-screen for 1 with 5.
1 drives left as 3 clears to the opposite corner, 5 rolls, and 2 pops.
1 looks to pass to 2 for a shot.
Once 2 has the ball, 1 and 5 set a staggered down-screen for 3 in the corner.
4 moves in from the wing to the block ans posts up.
2 looks to pass to 3 for a shot or to 4 inside.