This transition and conversion drill is presented by Ashland University women’s coach Robyn Fralick.
The 2016-17 Ashland squad was the first undefeated team in NCAA Division II Women’s Basketball. They finished as National Champions with a 37-0 final record.
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The video is hosted on YouTube, so you will need to be on a network that allows you to access that site.
The drill in the video is a 2 n 2 drill for working on their pitch ahead in their transition game after a made basket.
However, the “baseball” or softball concept can be applied to any buildup drills that you do to provide a fresh and competitive way to present your concepts and skills.
The videos are from the Championship Productions You Tube Channel
If you are interested in learning more about the Championship Productions Basketball Coaching Video (available in both DVD and Instant Video Format) that this drill came from, you can click the following link: High Low/Motion Offense with Robyn Fralick