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3 Bump
#1 dribbles to the wing on the same side as #’s 3 and 4.
#3 will cut from the corner to the low post on his side and post up for a possible post feed.
If #3 does not get the ball after posting up for a count of two, #4 will come halfway to him and set a down screen.
#1 can pass to #3 at the top of the key or to #4 slipping to the low post for a possible post feed.
On the catch by #3, #1 will make an Iverson cut off of #5’s screen at the elbow.
When #1 gets the ball at the elbow, #2 will clear to the corner opposite #1.
Once #1 catches the ball at the wing, #4 will set a back screen for #5 for a possible lob.
Please add me to the Arizona Basketball newsletter. Thanks.
William Harrrison – Head Coach / Director
HSA Elite Basketball Club
We’ll pass your info along! Thanks!
Please add me to Arizona newsletter. Thanks!
Please add me to the Arizona Basketball newsletter.
Thank You.
Josh Derry
[email protected]
Program Director & Founder
Ohio Valley Hidden Gems (OVHG) Basketball
We will pass along your info. Thanks!
We will pass your info along. Thanks!
Please add me to Arizona basketball newsletter
We’ll pass along your info. Thanks Coach!
Could I please receive your newsletter. I’m a high school coach in Ireland. Thanks.