This full court shooting drill is with former Marquette Men’s Coach Steve Wojciechowski.
The video is hosted on YouTube.
You will need to be on a network that allows you to access that site.
The shooter has two minutes to make 3 in a row from all 5 spots.
To make the drill fit your level of coaching and system of play, you can change the spots that you require your players to make three in a row from, or you can give them more than 2 minutes to finish.
I like the pressure of having to hit a third in a row after the shooter has made the first 2. I also like the time limit and the mental and physical fatigue that sets in as the two minute time limit approaches.
The video is from the Championship Productions You Tube Channel
If you are interested in learning more about the Championship Productions Basketball Coaching Video (available in both DVD and Instant Video Format) that this drill came from, you can click the following link: 4-Out Drive & Kick Offense for 3-Point Shots
Click the play arrow to view the video.
There is narration with the video, so please make sure that your sound is on.