These 35 Essential Skills to Being An Outstanding Basketball Coach came from Coach Eric Musselman. I received them in Creighton Burns’ latest newsletter.
1) Be a GREAT teacher
a) fundamentals
b) break down all of your drills
c) ball handling drills
d) teach them something “NEW”
2) Sell your system!
a) sell you coaching staff
b) sell your approach – system!
3) Motivation
a) challenge your players
4) Organization
a) organize your staff
b) give them an outline of duties for each coach
5) Create a system
a) find (create) an identity. “image?
i) what does a referee think, students, opposing coach/players think?
ii) your team will work to take its identity to another level
iii) “DOMINATE” at your identity!
6) Be POSITIVE!!!!
a) use negative comments during a winning streak
b) use positive comments during a losing streak
c) use positive reinforcement to bounce back from a loss
7) High Energy
a) if you coach with high energy, your team/players will have high energy
b) energy for players
8.) Be in good physical condition
a) being out of shape can limit your teaching ability
b) your physical condition is an example to the players
9) Intensity
a) your team will take on your personality
10) Your will to win!
a) how high is your will to win?
b) if a coach does not take losing lightly, players won’t take losing lightly!
c) if your coach takes losing lightly, so will the team
11) Communication/Relationships
a) treat referees with respect
b) officials respond to communication not embarrassment
12) Work Ethic
a) outwork the competition!
b) grade yourself!
i) where do you rate?
‐1‐ within your conference, within your league/district, within you entire sport
‐2‐ how do you rate with other sports?
13) Talent Evaluator/Evaluation
a) How do you mesh your team together?
b) Your won/loss record is a direct reflection of your talent evaluation
14) Ego management
a) player ego
b) Coach, staff ego – assistant coach ego
15) Respect factor
a) how do you show respect?
b) how do you gain respect?
16) Find a mentor!
a) a mentor is someone you can learn and seek advice from – does not necessarily have to be in your field
17) The Media
a) don’t lie to the media
b) treat the media with respect
c) remember the media has a job to do
18) Consistency
a) be consistent
19) Master the X’s and O’s
a) surround yourself with the best “X’s and O’s” people
b) hire experts whose strength are the areas you are weak in
20) Brainstorm
a) find ways to change your system and make it better
21) The Staff
a) the trainer – key hire and very important
b) Where do players complain?
i) the locker room
ii) the training room
iii) the weight room
c) make sure the staff is all on the same page
22) Preparation
a) be prepared for problems before they occur
23) Late game preparations
a) work on special situations
24) Handling a loss – talk to your team about how they should conduct themselves after a loss
a) no laughing, easy, laize faire attitude
b) a post game loss should include a time for reflection – a hurtful place
c) loss after game on team bus – should be subdued
a) make people feel good about where they are playing
26) Be Creative!
a) always be on the cutting edge of creative coaching
b) the more creative you are, the more attention you grab from your players
27) Clearly define roles
a) Staff – clearly define roles for your staff
i) offensive, defensive coordinator
ii) in charge of the video room
iii) post game reporting of stats
iv) scouting
b) Players
i) discuss the roles in training camp
ii) don’t lead the player on
28) Creating TEAM Chemistry
a) use events off the floor to improve your team chemistry
b) you must have chemistry between the lines in order to win
29) Ability to communicate
a) are you improving your public speaking?
b) masters of public speaking can take control of their locker room
30) Goal Setting
a) set goals that are obtainable
b) do something everyday that is goal oriented
31) Dedication
a) all individuals who achieve greatness are dedicated
b) good coaches are dedicated
32) Idea Generator
a) who is your idea generator?
b) don’t become complacent in idea generation
c) change with the times
33) Problem solving
a) you have to turn a loss into a solution
b) always have a solution
34) Opportunity
a) they need you when there is a loss. Be a problem solver!
35) Leadership
a) above all, a successful coach must be a great leader
b) be honest to yourself about your situation
i) be the most improved team in your conference, etc.
The Coaching Toolbox has hundreds of resources for coaching basketball including basketball practice, basketball plays, basketball drills, basketball quotes, basketball workouts, basketball poems, and more!
Valuable information for any coach of any level (new school of carver girls jv atlanta)