This post contains videos of two defensive drills from Matt Woodley.
He is a former assistant for Tony Bennett when Coach Bennett was at Washington State.
Make sure your sound is on as you watch.
All videos are YouTube videos.
Make sure that you are on a server that allows YouTube access.
Even if you don’t play a pack style of defense, I hope the videos give you an idea or two as to how you can clarify and teach the system that you play.
You can make adjustments to the rules and requirements of the drill that fit your team.
If you are interested in finding out more about the DVD that the video sample came from, click here:
The Secrets of the Pack Line Defense
Choke the Post Drill
2 on 2 Positioning Drill
In addition to the 2 on 2 drill, Coach Woodley explains a second drill near the end of the video (3:45 mark) he explains a third drill that he calls 3 on 3 freeze.
If you are interested in finding out more about the DVD that the video sample came from, click here:
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