This drill called Magic Shooting and is among the thousands of resources for both coaches and player available from basketballhq. They have several more videos as well as basketball coaching resource articles.
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The drill is a YouTube video, so you will need to be able to access YouTube to see the drill.
Players must make 5 shots from 5 spots in 2 minutes.
You can adjust the spots, the number of makes required at each spot, and how long you give your players to make the specified amount of shots.
Another idea for this drill is to have teams of 3 at each of your available practice baskets.
Have each of the three players shoot for 2 minutes and see which group of 3 gets the highest score.
Magic Shooting Drill
Advanced Shooting Drill
This shooting drill is one that you can use if you need something to challenge your top shooters, or you can also use it to modify so that you can use it with all of your players.
How can you talk about not dipping the ball as a teaching point and then make no comment about the shooter doing exactly that (Casspi)…? Could he do the drill any slower….? Several times he catches and takes a dribble on the spot.
In the first drill the shooter changes his footwork at various stages, sometimes using anchor foot (mostly early) and others he 1-2 steps. Nothing is said about it not being consistent.
Terrible example for coaches and players to learn from. The coach is saying one thing in the explanations but then not coaching it or pointing out the problems and at least saying they would coach it if not in the video situation.