These dribble moves drill videos are two of the great resources available from basketballhq. They have several more videos as well as basketball coaching resource articles.
The drills can be modified to fit your needs and used during your summer skill development workouts or can be used in practices as well.
Please make sure your sound is on to see the video.
Click the play arrow so see the drill. The drill is a You Tube video, so you will need to be able to access You Tube to see the drill.
BasketballHQ has just released their Basketball Coaches Training Group. In the group you will get access to different workout plans that are going to be for the team as a whole, by position, by the number of players and more. This is an all inclusive training group that is going to allow you to walk onto the court with a full workout plan in hand for your players through our easy to use Iphone and Android App. Every drill comes with a video breaking down the details of the drill, and all of the videos are instructed by a Pro or College coach and demonstrated by a high level player. click here for More Information on the Basketball Coaches Training Group.
Any Move Rhythm Dribbling Drill
Full Court Any Move Diamond Drill
Test for drills
Thank you very much!