This drill is from an older Arizona Basketball Coaching Newsletter.
If you are interested in subscribing to the Arizona newsletter, email your email address, name, School/Team, and coaching position to me and I will forward it to their staff.
Their newsletter includes information about their program, plays, and basketball drills for coaches.
Start in a 4 on 4 shell seup with an extra offensive player in both corners.
Pass the ball from 1 to 2 to 3 then to the extra player in the corner.
The extra player drives as soon as he catches the ball.
Defense rotates (following your defensive rules) to stop the driver.
You can also run a different version of this drill with 5 offense vs. 7 defense and add the post player.
Arizona’s rule is for x1 and x2 to establish a tandem.
Their terminology is “top of the eye” and “bottom of the eye”
This frame shows rotations out if the ball is passed out of the trap to player #2.
Emphasizing the rotations back to the ball and to the help positions is as important in this drill as the rotations to stop the drive.
Arizona teaches X3 to swipe at the ball to make the pass out difficult.
This frame shows rotations out if the ball is passed out of the trap to player #1.
X1 and X2 have switched players. X2 is closest to the player catching the pass out and is responsible to pick up the ball.
The expectation is to sprint on the air time of the pass and all players arrive at their new positions when the ball is caught.
I would love to added to the Arizona Basketball newsletter. My name is Patrick Vaughan, I coach at Metamora Township HS.We are the Redbirds. I am the head freshmen boys coach and a varsity assistant coach.
My email is [email protected]
Thank you for always providing such good information. If at all possible, I would like to be added to the Arizona Basketball Newsletter distribution list as well. My name is Jermaine e Vaughn. I am an assistant HS bball and AAU coach. My contact is [email protected]
Please add me to the Arizona newsletter list.
Adam, Exeter High School, Ast. Basketball Coach, [email protected]