This shooting drill is coached by former UNLV Men’s Coach Marvin Menzies.
There is sound with the video, so please make sure that your sound is on.
The video is hosted on You Tube, so you will need to be on a network that allows you to access that site.
The video is from the Championship Productions You Tube Channel
The possible point total for the drill is 42. One thing to consider would be to shoot 8 free throws either at the end of the circuit, or you could insert 4 groups of 2 shots between some of the spots.
Another few thoughts on ways to modify the drill:
1) Time the drill to make the pace more game like. After collecting a few times from your players doing it, you could determine what is a good time for your players to complete the drill.
2) Coach Suggests having managers pass. You could use players as passers to work on throwing the pass to the shooting pocket of the shooter.
For Division I men’s players 33 is a good score.
If you are interested in learning more about the Championship Productions Basketball Coaching Video (available in both DVD and Instant Video Format) that this drill came from, you can click the following link: Marvin Menzies: Practice Drills to Improve Your Team