This post is a drill from the Arkansas Women’s Basketball program.
This video and other basketball coaching videos are available on the Arkansas Women’s Basketball You Tube Channel
Head Coach Mike Neighbors also has one of the top newsletters for Basketball Coaches and is back sending again. If you are interested in joining his list, email me and I will forward your request on to him.
Like all drills that you see other programs use, you can either modify it or take parts of these ideas for your use and your needs. I hope to provide food for thought for you to use as a place to start for ideas to improve your program.
The drill is a part of his “Green Light Shooting System” that he uses to determine shot selection.
Please make sure your sound is on to see the video.
Click the play arrow to see the drill.
The drill is a YouTube video, so you will need to be on a server that allows you to access YouTube to see the drill.