This man to man quick hitter came from the following pages of the FastModel Sports Plays and Drills Library:
Twins Double – FastModel Sports.
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The play was contributed by Zachary Weir, Assistant Coach South Grand Prairie High School (Texas)
Here is Coach Weir’s description of the play.
A set designed to get your shooters off multiple staggers and cause the defense to guard consecutive multiple actions. Can be run into a double ball screen for a guard that is a good playmaker off of ball screens.
1 – 4 take action
3 and 5 will set baseline double staggers for the 2
1 will look to hit 2 for the quick 3
1 nail cuts through to the opposite side
4 and 5 will set a double stagger for 3
2 swings to 3 for the shot
4 and 5 will double ball screen if 3 does not shoot it
5 will rim run
4 will pop