Here is a sample of a letter that I have e-mailed to all staff members (certified and non certified) once we have made our final cuts. I think it is especially helpful during the first year at a new school, but also found that as the teaching staff changes from year to year, it is good for new staff members to see.
I used the same letter when I started my career as a middle school coach and continued to use it after becoming a head coach.
November 1, 2017
Dear Fellow Staff Member:
We have a great school. Our coaches enjoy working in cooperation with all of staff to educate our boys basketball program members. The team working relationship is important to our coaches. By working together, we can provide better opportunities for each student, while displaying a positive model.
Basketball is important to us and we intend to win. We focus on winning in the true sense of the word. Our program priorities during the season are:
- Individual Spirituality
- Family and Health
- Citizenship
- Academics
- Basketball
- Other interests.
Our coaches teach that the regular school day is a higher priority than basketball. We have high expectations of the participants in all areas.
We are proud of the young people who have chosen to represent our program. We expect good citizenship, a sincere effort academically, and we encourage responsible performance in all activities. If we can provide assistance, to you or to any participant, please e-mail, write, call, or see any of the coaches at your convenience. Our goal is to assist in the development of all areas of their lives. We care about them as people, students, and athletes—in that order.
Please allow me to thank those who have been so helpful to our program in so many ways. We appreciate the care and interest shown.
Attached is a roster of our Varsity, JV, and Freshman teams.
Brian Williams–Head Basketball Coach
Assistant Basketball Coach
Assistant Basketball Coach
Assistant Basketball Coach
Assistant Basketball Coach
Assistant Basketball Coach