This video is with PGC Basketball Directors TJ Rosene, Micah Hayes, and Graham Maxwell.
Tj (Head Men’s Basketball Coach) Micah, and Graham (Assistant Men’s Basketball Coaches) coach at Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, Georgia.
In addition to the All In portion of the video, the second part describes a concept of “GO GO–Get open or get out.”
This video is a part of the 20 Week PGC Coaches Circle. You can sign up for free at this link: PGC Coaches Circle
The last few minutes of the video shows a segment of their practice. The video shows players moving to rebound the shots taken in the drill. You might be able to apply that concept to your shooting drills in a way that fits what you want to do regarding rebounding a shot from the corner.
You can see more drills and posts from PGC Basketball by visiting their Basketball Blog
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