This play is run against man to man defense.
I got it from a Creighton Burns’ newsletter.
If you are interested in receiving his newsletter, contact us and I will put you in touch with Coach Burns.
In his newsleter, Creighton added that for everthing he runs, if the play breaks down, his team immediately begins to run his motion offense.
He calls the play “35” and starts it in a 1-3-1 set.
#1 enters the ball to #3, and runs a UCLA rub off the back screen set by #5.
If #1 is open on the cut to the rim, #3 can give him the ball.
#5 will step out and set a ball screen for #3.
#3 will drive the ball into the middle of the lane, looking to drive the ball thorugh the nail hole.
#1 and #2 move to set a staggered double back screen for #5.
#3 will look for his shot first, and then to #5 rolling to the rim, utilizing the screens set by #1 and #2.
If #3 makes a pass to #4, he will cut away from the ball and fill the backside baseline corner.
#1 and #2 will fill the point and back side wing respectively.
#4 will look to get the ball to #5 who is now posting hard down in the low past area.
If nothing is open, #4 will start ball reversal by making a pass to #1 at the point.
#1 will swing the ball on to #2, and then cut down through the middle setting a screen for #5.
#5 will sprint and set another ball screen. This time he is going to ball screen for #2..
#2 will use the screen and drive the ball into the lane, looking first for his shot, and then the pass to #5 rolling to the rim.
As #2 drives the ball, #4 down screens for #1.
If #2 does not have a shot, or a pass to #5, he may hit #1 coming off the screen for a shot.
#3 has four options. He may have a scoring opportunity on his penetration, he may feed #5 rolling to the rim, he may hit 1 curling off the down screen, or he may throw back to #3, who has moved up to the back side wing.
If #3 gets the ball, he will look to get the ball down low to #5.
After passing the ball to either #1 or #3 on the wings, #2 will go and ball screen and the three perimeter players would start a three man weave looking to develop a scoring opportunity.