This player evaluation system was sent to me by Jeff Daddio, assistant coach at Farmington High School in Farmington, Connecticut.
I have included a link to download a pdf of the evaluation rubric at the bottom of this page.
You can contact him at [email protected] or via twitter is @CoachDaddio.
A SMASH player is a complete basketball player. A SMASH player encompasses all of the tangible and intangible characteristics necessary for success.
SMASH stands for Skills, Mind, Athleticism, Spirit and Heart. The SMASH rubric is a method of player evaluation that looks at all 5 major component of a SMASH player.
Skills make up one half of the rubric and are broken up into shooting, passing, ball-handling, rebound & defense.
Mind is what is sometimes referred to as “basketball I.Q.” It is a player’s ability to think the game both as a whole and within their individual matchup.
Athleticism contains the measurables- speed, strength, height and more with an even split of movement and body.
Spirit refers to emotional characteristics with a focus on attitude. It is broken up into leadership, selflessness and commitment.
Heart is a player’s drive, determination and motivation level.
All 5 components of a SMASH player can be improved and the evaluation rubric helps each player do just that. It is all part of the journey to build the best, most complete basketball players- the SMASH players.
Click here to download the document as a pdf.