-The notes were take by Chris Iversen-Rochester RazorSharks–and sent to me by Coach Brandon Rosenthal of St. Edward’s University.
– “True friends occupy special places in our psyches. They don’t have to interact with us every day, or every month, or every year. They’re always a part of us. It’s not that we take them for granted. We just incorporate them into our lives so naturally, we don’t realize they’re there.”
– Cherish those that you hold dear to your heart.
– “A friend may well be reckoned a masterpiece of nature.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
– Advice that Bill Russell’s father gave him…”Son, I don’t know what you’ll be when you grow up. But here’s what I want you to think about. When you take a job, if they pay you two dollars a day, give them three dollars worth of work. The reason is, if they’re paying you two and you’re giving them three, you’re more valuable to them than they are to you…”
– Take pride in doing things well, the right way, and to the best of your ability. Don’t do things to just get through them. Work hard when no one is looking.
– “Let the first thing out of your mouth be your second thought. It will greatly reduce the number of apologies you have to make, either to yourself or the person you’re speaking to.”
– “The greatest thing about waking up healthy each day is that we have a choice. A choice to be happy or sad. A choice to be upbeat and ready to go, or a choice to mope about the responsibilities and challenges that await us.”
– This should be an easy choice for most of us. We are lucky to be able to do what we do every day, and have the people in our lives that love and support us unconditionally (win or lose). We’re blessed to be able to work hard at something we enjoy. Sure, some days are going to have their obstacles. Just something to think about the next time something doesn’t go your way or keep in mind during a “losing streak”.
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Red and Me: My Coach, My Lifelong Friend
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