This is the first part of Kevin Eastman’s Coaching points. Here is a link to the second: Eastman Part 2
I received this collection of coaching points that have been tweeted by retired NBA Executive and Assistant Coach for the Clippers and Celtics Kevin Eastman from Phil Beckner. Kevin Eastman spent several years as an assistant to Doc Rivers with both the Celtics and the Clippers. Coach Beckner is now an assistant with Boise State.
I also have a sample five minute video of Coach Eastman discussing his views on skill development. Click this link to see it.
If interested, you can follow Coach Eastman on Twitter @kevineastman
Intent is great if followed by action; intent is personally debilitating if left alone as it slowly erodes confidence & the will to advance!”
What do I want and what will it take to get it? Answer these 1st. Then ask yourself: am I TRULY willing to pay that price?
One statistic all teams should keep is being “first to the floor”; when the time calls for a loose ball to be picked up–who gets there 1st?
Observation from All Star game: “the best” have insatiable need to compete and succeed! Work ethic is off the charts!
To all asst’s in any line of work: it’s not about YOU–it is about what YOU DO 2 help YOUR BOSS. Help them b successful!
Do your job and do your job completely.
People always ask me about KG–my response is always the same: he wants to be the best & do the best that he can every day! Practices & Games!
“It takes three things to be a “special” player: talent, character, and competitive fire.”
Some are satisfied with who they are. Others are consumed with who they can become. I call this group “THE BEST”
Coaching is making players do what they don’t want to do so they can become the player they want to become
“The Best” have to pay a new price every year because everyone is always trying to beat them; the best are the best because they pay this price!
Culture is 7 days a week, 24 hrs a day
The best shooters in the NBA are consumed with the fundamentals of their shot; every day-every shot; the details are there
Vets at all levels have responsibility to maintain program’s culture every day. From work ethic to off the floor decisions.
Our focus should be more on solutions then problems; problems are easy to point out; solutions are what can solve the problem; be big on solutions.
Good question to ask yourself; are you one that makes promises or commitments? Promises often are what you might do; commitments are what you will do!
Spending time working on your game is spending time working for your team
All great players are on a never ending journey to stay at the top; it’s the pride of greatness! They refuse to settle!”
The best teammates build up-not tear down; they encourage-not discourage; they help–not hinder; they walk with-not in front of teammates!
Once someone can do what you do and one more thing, you are replaceable
What you “bring” to each workout (energy, enthusiasm, effort, patience, etc.) is more important than what you “know.”
To truly get to the level you are seeking you have to give others permission to hold you accountable! It’s good to have to prove yourself!”
We all procrastinate. But remember: procrastination is one of the single biggest killers of our goals and dreams & ultimately our success!
Improvement has to be worked on every day; it can’t stay in the “wish for – hope for” stage; keep working on what moves you ahead.
Summer-3 great months. to have goals of: read 1 book/month; read 1 coaching/leadership article/day; have a “thoughts journal”-fill it with ideas
Success has a price but also a choice: the price is what it takes to earn it–it shouldn’t be easy! The choice: are you willing to pay the price?
Becoming successful is an everyday endeavor; never allow yourself to coast; discipline yourself to consistently work on becoming more
Finish–a very powerful word-must b staple of your vocabulary; not just finish plays-finish EVERYTHING YOU START in your life-never quit on yourself
Learn from the past; produce in the present; and get to the future first; this is one of the most important keys to effective leadership!
“WILL TO WIN”: all about getting yourself to another level through sheer determination; overcoming the urge to say this is too hard/I can’t do this
Here is a link to the second part of this post: Eastman Part 2
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