I have had this article in my files for quite a while. I am not sure where it came from, but I really like it.
- THE DOUBLE WIN: Winning Coaches employ the DOUBLE WIN PHILOSOPHY which states that: Winning on the bottom line (wins and losses, profits, etc.) comes only as a direct result of winning on the top line (Investing in the academic, personal, and athletic development of the total athlete).
- CONTRIBUTION: Winning Coaches develop systems that support a basic human need: the need to make a positive contribution. The greatest, but most difficult contribution, is allowing others to contribute to us. Winning Coaches remain open toward allowing others to contribute to them.
- THE POSITIVE LEARNING CYCLE: Winning Coaches use a method of teaching in which there is no such thing as failure. The only source of competition for the athlete is with themselves in striving to reach their own greatest potential. Winning Coaches create an environment where setbacks and breakdowns are regarded as opportunities for learning, rather than failures.
- THE STEPPING STONE METHOD: Winning Coaches employ the STEPPING STONE METHOD of steady improvement. This method involves building one small success after another, reaching towards the final or highest goal. The strategy of the coach is to progressively teach only those skills that are needed to empower the athlete to climb to the next level.
- RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM: Winning Coaches develop an environment of responsible freedom where mutual trust, relatedness, and open communication are encouraged and acknowledged. Within the limits and guidelines of responsible behavior, an environment of safety is developed that encourages openness and honesty between the coach and players.
- A BALANCE OF EXTREMES: Winning Coaches have learned to be both highly directive and highly supportive in their relationships with their players. They develop a supportive environment for constructive risk-taking and growth, and yet instill a demand for perfection that is unyielding.
- INTEGRITY: Winning Coaches act as models and not critics. They foster a mutual commitment to Integrity through (1) actions and behaviors that are in alignment with personal values, (2), upholding all promises and agreements, and (3) through demonstrating their loyalty and commitment to their players. Through their personal integrity and commitment to their players, Winning Coaches earn the highest sense of integrity, commitment and loyalty in return.
- OPENNESS: Winning Coaches fight to remain open. They resist the most common human tendency; THE NEED TO BE RIGHT, which inadvertently makes others wrong. Winning coaches take the path not taken; which is to remain open to innovation and new learning, as well as permitting themselves to be supported and directed by others.
- SYNERGISTIC SYSTEMS. Winning Coaches develop and perpetuate an environment in which the system is greater than the sum of all the parts. The system creates a continuous s self-renewing chain of success.
- STRUCTURE FOR FULFILLMENT: Winning Coaches create a structure for fulfillment that is based upon abundance as opposed to scarcity. This structure becomes a roadmap through which players are empowered to progress toward both their own personal goals, and to actualize the larger vision that is communicated by their coach.
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