This video is with PGC Basketball Director Sam Allen.
You might not use this exact drill, but I offer it as a way to think about improving your skill development drills to make them more applicable to the skills that you want your players to develop.
One decision that you will want to make is, do you want to individualize your finishing moves for each player in your Program. Or, will you teach a specific set of moves?
I also think it is important to decide how many moves you will want each player to use. In my opinion, most players should stick to 2 or 3 moves that they can finish with.
Whatever your answer is for those decisions, they are worth putting some thinking time into so that you know what you want to teach and how you will go about teaching it.
The spring and summer are the best times for that type of thinking regarding all aspects of your program.
My final thought for today is to take any ideas you get this spring and summer and modify them so that there is more of your program and philosophy in them than there is from the coach that you got the idea from.
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