By Alan Stein, Stronger Team Blog (re-posted with permission)
Last week I had an unparalleled opportunity to spend 48 hours in Houston, Texas as a member of an exclusive Gatorade Sports Science Institute Basketball Task Force. It was an honor to take part and a thrill to meet and learn from some of the brightest minds on the planet regarding nutrition, hydration and performance enhancement.
I wanted to share some of the highlights of what I learned from the speakers:
If you want to gain muscular size and/or muscular strength, you must consume adequate protein after your workouts.
Your body can only use approximately 20 grams of quality protein in one meal, so taking in less is inadequate and taking in more is unnecessary for muscle growth.
You should aim to take in 20 grams of quality protein every 4-5 hours for the 24 hours following your workout (with the first 30 minutes after you workout being the most important).
Chocolate milk or an appropriate recovery shake are perfect for post workouts.
Age appropriate strength training is extremely beneficial for youth and adolescents because the body’s connective tissue finishes developing by age 17 (NOTE: not muscle development, connective tissue development).
As bodyweight increases (primarily in the form of body fat), the occurrence of injury increases.
Proper nutrition isn’t just about fueling your body. It is also about fueling your mind. Can you make correct game speed decisions when you are fatigued? You can’t play if you can’t think.
Nutritional success depends on your ability to plan ahead and prepare.
“A proper diet can’t make an average player elite. But a poor diet can make an elite player average.”
Recommend daily protein requirements for elite level athletes: 1.3-1.8 grams of protein per KG of bodyweight
Dehydration impairs cognition and mental readiness.
As little at 2% dehydration will (negatively) affect performance.
How do you know if you are dehydrated?
o You are thirsty
o Your urine is dark yellow
o You see a slight drop in normal body weight
Main causes of cramping:
o Fatigue
o Electrolyte deficiency
o Dehydration
The most underrated recovery technique to aid in max performance is sleep!
Teenagers need 9-10 hours of quality sleep (very few every get that).
Checklist for quality sleep:
o You fall asleep within 30 minutes
o You sleep through the night with minimal interruptions
o You feel refreshed upon waking up
How to get quality sleep:
o Keep your room cool, dark, and quiet
o Remove all electronics (computers, phones, TV’s, etc.)
o Have a consistent routine (certain bed time, etc.)
Naps are an excellent way to aid in rest and recovery:
o Do NOT nap within 2 hours of a game (you will feel groggy)
o Do NOT nap after 4pm (it will throw off that night’s sleep)
o Do NOT nap longer than 30-45 minutes
I hope you found these nuggets as helpful as I did. Just following the basics when it comes to proper nutrition, hydration and rest & recovery can play a huge role in your performance on the court.
Train hard. Fuel smart.
Alan Stein